Posts tagged with “cycling”
Sunday COULD be our FIRST Tandem Club ride
I do not have time to write much about it, but on Sunday there is a 20 mile run coming up with the tandem club (see link) which MAY be on!
I cannot begin to say how excited I am
and to commemorate it I am hopeful that we will make the investment in the much needed headsets so that I can describe everything as we go, though I think there will be plenty else if we cannot manage to get that sorted in time.
My biggest fear is that my best beloved Stoker is not feeling great and that we may not be able to find a dog sitter. I think I can help resolve the latter if neighbours are unavailable, and I think I can persuade her the twenty miles is not too too challenging, but the weather and her health are somewhat in the lap of the Gods...
I'm struggling to contain my excitement right now though, because we were looking into Rohloff hubs and all sorts of expensive and technical tandem geek things so the timing of this WOULD be perfect. Then again, I should tell myself, there will always be another one. I think patience would be a commendable thing to have in abundance as a tandem rider.
06:24 AM | 0 Comments | Tags: Annie, bicycle, cyclingCategories of Engagement
It is not too often the personal intrudes on this blog (I hope!) But today I would like to indulge myself a little. Anyone who has been here before will perhaps notice that there are a couple of new categories creeping in here.
One is cycling - and the tandem features (Now enhanced with lights and super bell and ready to roll!).
The other is marriage - and this is because I am now engaged to be wed, I have plighted my troth! It will be a long engagement, but if any matters come up which I think I can talk about here (or even if I read anything which seems connected) then I may post to this category.
On which subject my fiancee thinks this blog would reach a much wider audience and I can see what she means (though am uncertain I really want the world and it's brother to be reading this - my hosting could not cope for a start!). BUT I have decided to see if I can register the domain "" as a possible alternative.
UNLESS anyone has any better ideas for the name of this blog? AND YES; I do realise the heading banner and design would be due for a complete overhaul as a result, then again I am quite keen to improve the site's accessibility and so should not mind this.
A post should be forthcomng to review the book "Chicago" soon and not sure what will follow from that, perhaps a thrilling account of the first tandem tour involving panniers and distance!
05:54 AM | 0 Comments | Tags: Annie, Quaker, singing, love, kindness, children, rice, accessibility, family, bicycle, cycling, partnership, choral, tandem