Greetings from Fehrnzeit
Hello World! I am sure many of you reading this will know me , or know of me. I am Anton Ferhnzeit and of course with a name like that if you have met me you will not have forgotten me! But then, you would not forget me anyway, would you? I have such a lively, engaging, and frankly quite brilliant mind and such charm and wit combined with my devilish good looks. I know modesty does not become me, you would only detect the false misplaced sentiment behind it if you knew me.
So - to those that know me - "Felicitations! You know what to expect and can enjoy my presence in the Blogosphere just as you have in my more mundane, everyday circles"
And to those that do not "Greetings! You have come to the right place to be stimulated and amused! I intend to lift the quality of the blogosphere to new heights"
How much further should I introduce myself - well I have given this some thought. A picture could be misleading and make you judge me to be vain, so you shall find none. A lengthy description is unlikely to do me justice either. My reputation precedes me if you know me already, making such a thing unnecessary. If you do not know me, then with my charming wit and repartée you soon shall and will be a richer person for it!
On to matters more interesting than myself then! Yes there are some, even to me! Of course now that I have deployed my not inconsiderable intellect here I need a subject and a blog post to start this blog rolling. Speaking of which - impress me sufficiently and I shall award you the honour of a space on my blogroll - but for now it is gloriously empty.
The subject of the moment is POSSESSION. You may find that a little odd for me, you may have noticed my generous nature. But there is more to possession than that. For example I possess a great deal of self-composure. I believe the Devil posesses the souls of those that do not hold on to their own. And last but not least I have found that when I meet a member of the so called "gentler" sex they invariably seek to "possess" me! Incidentally there is an excellent book of that name by A.S Byatt. I commend it to those readers who have not already enjoyed it.
They say that possession is nine tenths of the law, and there's good reason for that. I say that if we took the observation that "the love of money is the root of all evil" and changed it to the "desire to possess" (for surely if money is anything it is a tool for the purposes of mans' possession?
Of course, myself I am fortunate enough to possess more than ample resources to possess more or less anything I desire (including a member of the fairer sex if I set my mind to it!). But I may surprise you if I tell you that I aspire to relinquish the DESIRE to possess. Certain fundaments I insist that I not only possess but have complete dominion over, these include my wits and my sanity! Certain others I insist upon shunning and have a desire to dispossess, such as trouble and strife (and these are chosen with a view to the Cockney rhyming slang also, since I cherish my bachelor status!).
I must leave you for a moment now - my manservant is drawing me a bath and I do so like it to be at the perfect temperature. Please could my fledgling audience consider what they possess and what desires possess them - I shall return when bathed and fed to consider further...
... Returning to my screen after a splendid repast. I find my possession of my senses most necessary! And I am mindful of a poor chap who owes his life to the wonderful RAF emergency service. I just heard on the wireless that he suffered a stroke mid-air and lost his sight! Believe it or not he survived despite being alone. Coming to his senses (sans sight!) the poor chap radioed for help and an RAF crew were scrambled to intercept him at altitude and "talk him down" this they managed to do. The man was heard to grumble that he was concerned his landing was a little bumpy! But he did thank them for saving his life!
There is a good tale to end my first blog posting on - so fellow readers of the Blogosphere, retain your senses and relinquish your possessions I say to you! It is clear which has the more value, to me anyway.
Until tomorrow - Anton.
04:46 PM | 1 Comment | Tags: Fehrnzeit, NaNoWriMo, writingComments
- November 08, 2008, at 03:06 PM SEG on