| Nov 7, 2007
well last week I had to go on a JMA (Jobseekers Mandatory ACtivity) course and it was SOOOOooo patronising and demoralising it knocked back my job hunting at least two weeks!
Anyway feelign a little better for no particular reason - perhaps getting my housing benefit claim through has slightly eased my financial worries? Also no doubt the distraction of my impending singing with a choir of Verdis Requiem this Saturday just gives me less space to be depressed. I'll post a post-mortem on that next week hopefully (pun intended).
The other funny news is that my father has tried to give me some fatherly advice and suggests my next career move be to the Church! Now I have had no Damascus moment and cannot claim any special "calling" but this had occurred to me also as a possibility - but things are very much complicated by the fact my faith is grounded in no special denomination - in fact I am a Quaker which means there is no special role for a priest although meeting houses do have Wardens... so anyway I really have no idea how to pursue that.
Of course I shall be especially interested in any comments or messages from one particular person - naming no names they will know who they are!
Anyway that is my update on my tricial and rather depressed life affairs at the moment.