Historic things to blog about
things to blog about:- toggle sidebar blog ides - chyrp? German architecture - cf gaudi Liz Williams Humans will not evolve further tag maelstrom possessive girlfriends three strikes and you're in (my blogroll) hrabbit quote (extract kids) - bash.org (to links) Site "Easter eggs" (CF XFN friendly tag on blogroll) libraries - Indie online 9/10 thought for the day 8/10 - "forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors" (CF - fRA blog post) Orange prize and gender bias in publishing (CF blogging) poetryiamwriting site idea Google cautionary tale - Edith! Ephemera (poem) - scattered poem linkage... Chomosomal inheritance (boys like mother, girls like father) procrastination versus reward out of work flavours of blog process of writing (Esp. preparation VIZ NaNoWriMo) http://www.juliettepochin.com/ Parenting and benefit and me New Deal - parenting thing, highly political, outsourcing - not 10% but 40% Childrens time perception and heartbeat etc cybersex stuff - http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/features/cybersex-rules-inside-the-world-of-lsquoteledildonics-1027699.html [[The Archers]] CD prism stack/rainbow pic (Chirp blog?) Twitter - feed/guide http://www.caroline-middlebrook.com/blog/twitter-guide/
comments system (WHEN if overhaul especially)
EVEN OLDER (Historic in terms of my life)
Dizzies boogie woogie
Great gigs I have known (oh so many!)
Hood fair
Roger Wilkins cider farm and Joe Strummer
Roundhouse days
- overheads
- naked man art
Rocky Horror in Kings Road
Meeting John Lydon
The Glastonbury bread man? That was me!
Mental health and asylum years
cycling stories (London to Plymouth and London to Brighton)
Carl North
05:58 PM | 2 Comments | Tags: historic, blog
- October 28, 2008, at 10:19 AM SEG on
- Mainframeguy on October 28, 2008, at 12:50 AM