Voyage to my Mother

Grid reference 116586, remember that.... there are a wild cherry and an oak, remember row L/25/73 and L/C/56 (row C is directly above row 1).... These facts should lead me to the place where I once arranged for trees to be planted at Tredethick Farm dedicated to my late mother. I am thinking of cycling there and have entered a "quiet route" option to the Cycle Journey planner, which tells me to allow for just over three hundred miles and "more than a days cycling"... I reckon a week easy..... But I should phone ahead to Tim and Nicky to check they are in if I want them to show me to the trees so I'll need to remember 01208 873618 too, but I much prefer the idea of scanning the hand drawn map and working my own way there, trespass and solitary pilgrimage are surely more the way to approach this, though life may very well surprise me. Right now I have no idea if I shall even depart.... I am contemplating a more urban journey to where it all began at Montpelier Road right now, but aware that is slightly foolhardy. Then there's getting back.... What the cost? Now there's a reckoning....
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