Comments on “The Ancient Smoker (A Parody)” 2009-01-08T00:36:41+00:00 Chyrp The Ancient Smoker (A Parody),2009-01-08:/id/165//comment_394 2009-01-08T00:36:41+00:00 2009-01-08T00:36:41+00:00 Mainframeguy <p>Ooops - well spotted! An oversight in the blogs rebirth this year... Now editted to "My Blogroll has now been ordered into sections matching the categories - any more random or eclectic entries will be right at the bottom of the blogroll and not "sectioned"!"</p> <p>You have forced me to break with tradition/habit and comment on my own blog since I undertake not to edit visitors comments and you have quoted from the old "About Blogroll" page! Well done, thank you, great comment; love the idea of boiling blogoil!</p> The Ancient Smoker (A Parody),2009-01-07:/id/165//comment_393 2009-01-07T22:31:22+00:00 2009-01-07T22:31:22+00:00 dovegreyreader <p>Listen, I'm terrified to read this "My Blogroll is eclectic and random and changes a fair bit. I use it as a form of “delicious” bookmarking to save blogs I intend to come back to - one or two are there because I hate the blogs involved and intend to someday post and rant and pillory them (maybe)." So where's the "Friendly" badge next to my name?Could you just let me know when to expect the major onslaught and I'll I'll get the boiling blogoil ready to pour over the blogramparts:-)</p>